If you are here, then you are probably not happy with the way you look and feel because of carrying around those extra pounds. We would first like to congratulate you for accepting your weight problem and are willing to do something about it. We know that telling you to start exercising and eating healthy won't do you much good, mainly because you don't have energy. So we will help you kick start a brand new life style and help you choose one the best, most effective and easy to follow diet plans around. Here are some of the best diet plans/programs that have ever been developed, so just relax and start reading.

Claiming that you can lose 2 - 5 pounds per week, Medifast is amazing diet. One simple plan, everyday, no counting calories is what they stand for. This may work for most, but many people might get bored of the same things to eat, day in, day out.

Does this program really work?
Medifast is clinically proven. Developed by a physician, it's been recommended by more than 20,000 doctors since 1980. It works very well but you are bound by products.

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